Memories of Stanbridge Lower School

Children’s Memories of Stanbridge Lower School:

“Thank you all at Stanbridge Lower School for Teaching our child through the years. She has flourished in so many ways – I am so proud of her and the report is a pleasure to read.Not once in her time with you has she not wanted to attend. She so looks forward to being with her classmates and Teachers. From Reception through to Year 4- What a memorable journey for her, Thank you” “You ALL believe in our children”

“I will always remember Stanbridge because of the kindest caring Teachers and the fantastic time in all my classes”

“My favourite memory of Mrs Godwin was when she did the conga around the school”

“My favourite topic has been World War 2, and The Rainforest”

“The best thing about Year 4 is “special person” and getting a certificate”

“My favourite topic was World War 2 when we made an Anderson shelter”

“The thing I will miss most about Stanbridge are the Teachers because they are really nice”