At Stanbridge we are proud that children achieve well and make good progress. This is reflected in our OFSTED Report 2017.

Children’s achievements are tracked and gaps in learning identified in order for the children to make good progress across each year. Interventions are in place for children who require extra support and challenges presented for more able children through directed and focused learning activities.

SATS Results

KS1 SATS School Results 2122

2019/20 and 20/21 covid no requirement to report

KS2 results – 2019

Middle schools reported their KS2 SATS results to us and we were very pleased to see that the children who were present, for their KS2 SATS all were “at the expected level” or were “working at greater depth” in reading, writing and maths.  Where children’s attendance was poor  or where children had missed education due to travelling across the year or in previous years, results did not meet the expected standards.


School Performance Tables can be accessed at: